Today, I was asked the question, ‘does it really work?’ in relation to a strategy I use in my business to attract the right kinds of clients for me.

This led me to think about achieving results.

We usually start out with the best of intentions when we ‘decide’ to do something. We make a decision, commit to it, and then begin to take action toward its accomplishment. This is usually when the fun start – the mind kicks in with its ‘yap yap yap’ dialogue of uncertainty and doubt, and we very quickly begin to doubt our decision.

The problem lies in two things:

1)      We rarely make a clear decision in the first place. The word ‘decide’ from its Latin root means to cut off all other possibilities. This means that we will not accept anything less than the thing we decide to have. In reality, we rarely do this – we are willing to settle for less. Or more likely, we are open to changing our minds and go back on the decision as soon as the going gets tough.

2)      We rarely commit to keep going until we achieve our outcome. We feel great when making a decision, but that feeling does not last. Eventually, when it has worn off, we don’t feel so great and our commitment, if there was any in the first place, start to wane. This is not commitment.

True commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood you said it in has left you.

How often do you really commit to something and see it to its end?

To really achieve your big goals you must:

1)      Make a LASTING decision

2)      Commit to yourself and your abilities to accomplish your goal.

“An invincible determination can accomplish almost anything, and in this lies the great distinction between great men and little men.”

Dr. Thomas Fuller (1608-1661);

clergyman, writer


Go on then, make a decision.