The prize is Being, Doing and Having it all
The price is Unconditional Love
You may call it freedom, joy, financial security, being in charge of your life, and a whole host of other descriptions, including love.
In emotional intelligence, the word Peace represents the highest form of emotional energy you can attain.
The name or title isn’t important, call it what you will.
It’s the final destination of all your ‘work’.
The holy grail that allows you to be, do and have it all
BUT, there is a price to be paid to be, do and have everything
That price is Unconditional Love.
I’m not talking about the destination of love. That is to do with people and things.
I’m talking about the process of Love.
Unconditional Love is a way of being.
It’s the X Factor of attaining everything you are here to achieve.
And you have it.
But it is too high a price for many people.
They can practice Love.
It’s the Unconditional bit that they are not willing to do.
What they call Love is full of conditions. I’ll love him/her/them/it if….
That is trying to make a deal, strike a bargain and shake hands.
There is no bargain to be struck, no deal to be made.
That won’t work.
That’s what Unconditional means – no conditions, nada, nil.
Most people would rather place conditions than be, do and have it all.
And that’s why they don’t.
What conditions are you placing to stop yourself from being, doing and having everything you can?
Would you rather be rich (safe and secure) than be, do and have it all?
Maybe you’d rather be right than be, do and have it all?
Perhaps you’d rather be spiritual?
Or needy / needed / giving / or blah blah blah…
Everyone has the X Factor.
Not everyone has the courage to use it to claim the Big Prize.
Do you?
The price is Unconditional Love
The prize is Being, Doing and Having it all
Are you going to claim yours in this life?