Don’t hit me with those negative waves…….

Have you ever been out, met someone and felt negative emotions coming from them? To the point where you actually have to move away and not be around them anymore? I recently attended a networking event where I delivered a 10-minute presentation to the members. At the end someone asked me a question about negative [...]

It doesn’t matter – it’s in the past!!

Can you believe that the Lion King was released in cinema’s 25 years ago and that it is celebrating 20 years of being on the West End this year. It is a great film and as with all Disney and Pixar movies there are so many messages that we can take away and even [...]

Stress Less To Success [21 Experts Share Their Secrets]

Do you dream about doing work that is meaningful, that helps to make the world a better place...but you don’t know where to start? Stress reduction is an issue I care about, which is why I’ve joined forces with Eleni Vardaki and another 20 leaders and success experts from all over the world to talk [...]

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Transform from a good to great leader – with emotional intelligence coaching

Organised, confident, enthusiastic, committed, consistent! These are some of the traits needed to be a good leader. But why be a good leader when you can be a great one? There’s only one thing that separates the good from the great - and that’s emotional intelligence. Managing your emotions At its most basic, emotional intelligence [...]

2017-09-11T11:21:41+00:00Sanjay's Thoughts, Success|Comments Off on Transform from a good to great leader – with emotional intelligence coaching

How emotional intelligence is helping athletes get gold (and how it can help you too!)

I’m sure that like me you enjoyed watching the recent Olympics and Paralympics on the TV. Wasn’t it great to see Team GB do so well and come away with so many medals? Telling words Whilst watching I became very interested in some of the comments that the athletes made when they were interviewed. Following [...]

2017-09-11T11:21:41+00:00Sanjay's Thoughts|Comments Off on How emotional intelligence is helping athletes get gold (and how it can help you too!)

When the mind questions but the heart knows – overcoming Mind Sabotage

It is often said the children have the highest level of natural emotional intelligence. Parents and those who’ve spent time with children will have noticed how they always act instinctively and let their heart rather than their learning, guide their actions. What is Mind Sabotage? Mind Sabotage is when we allow our mind to overtake [...]

2016-02-12T15:40:06+00:00Sanjay's Thoughts|Comments Off on When the mind questions but the heart knows – overcoming Mind Sabotage
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